
beloved mother中文什么意思

发音:   用"beloved mother"造句
  • 亲爱的妈妈
  • beloved:    adj. 1.被…爱的〔用作表语,与 by, of 连用 ...
  • mother:    n. 醋母(= mother of vinegar); ...
  • beloved:    adj. 1.被…爱的〔用作表语,与 by, of 连用〕。 2.可爱的,亲爱的,被热爱的〔用作修饰语〕。A beloved child 爱儿。 n. 心爱的人,可爱的人。 My beloved 亲爱的 (= darling). The most beloved 最可爱的人。 ★本词作为古语 belove 的过去分词,现时只通用被动语态: She was beloved by [of] all who knew her. 凡是认识她的人都喜欢她。 She is beloved of [by] John. 约翰喜欢她。
  • the beloved:    被爱的人; 被爱者
  • to beloved:    被爱着
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  1. It ' s time now to awaken in each one of us the respect and attention our beloved mother deserves
  2. " yes , steven , follow the beloved mother of the universe and she will guide you and lead you to me and you will be blessed
  3. A young souvenir peddler recounters the travails of his own broken family as he rummages through photos of his beloved mother
  4. I remember that the gabilan mountains to the east of the valley were light gay mountains full of sun and loveliness and a kind of invitation , so that you wanted to climb into their warm foothills almost as you want to climb into the lap of a beloved mother
  5. I have just come back from my first four - day retreat in england and have had the best time ever . it was like a big family gathering with our beloved mother , sister and friend . master ching hai is all those things , but most of all she is the master of all masters


        beloved:    adj. 1.被…爱的〔用作表语,与 by, of 连用 ...
        mother:    n. 醋母(= mother of vinegar); ...
        beloved:    adj. 1.被…爱的〔用作表语,与 by, of 连用〕。 2.可爱的,亲爱的,被热爱的〔用作修饰语〕。A beloved child 爱儿。 n. 心爱的人,可爱的人。 My beloved 亲爱的 (= darling). The most beloved 最可爱的人。 ★本词作为古语 belove 的过去分词,现时只通用被动语态: She was beloved by [of] all who knew her. 凡是认识她的人都喜欢她。 She is beloved of [by] John. 约翰喜欢她。
        the beloved:    被爱的人; 被爱者
        to beloved:    被爱着
        a mother:    一位母亲
        a mother-to-be:    未来的母亲
        be a mother:    为人之母
        for mother:    羯磨波罗蜜
        mother:    n. 1.母,母亲;〔常无冠词,M-〕(家人间称谓时)妈妈。 2.母,本源,根由。 3.老伯母,老大娘,老太太〔称呼年长女人时代替 Mrs. 用,如 M- Jones〕。 4.修女院长(=mother superior)。 5.人工孵卵器。 6.航空母舰;航空母机;【电讯】第一模盘。 7.〔M-〕大猩猩(品种)苹果。 Necessity is the mother of invention. 需要是发明之母。 an artificial mother 人工孵卵器〔养小鸡用〕。 adj. 母的,母国的,本国的。 a mother bird 母鸟。 vt. 1.当作儿女抚养,像母亲一样照管,保育。 2.产,生〔通常在修辞上使用〕。 3.承认是(孩子)的母亲;声明自己是(小说等)的作者。 4.【军事】掩护。 every mother's son 〔口语〕人人= everyone, everybody. M- Carey's chicken [hen] 【鸟类】海燕[海雀]。 adj. -less 没有母亲的。 n. 醋母(= mother of vinegar); 渣滓,糟。 vt. 生醋母。
        mother the:    马瑟火山
        mother-to-be:    准妈妈
        the mother:    母亲的春天
        13 beloved:    13 骇人游戏; 13骇人游戏
        a beloved king:    深受爱戴的国王
        beloved daddy:    失婚老豆
        beloved daughter:    亲爱的女儿
        beloved father:    亲爱的爸爸
        beloved grandfather:    心爱的爷爷
        beloved grandmother:    心爱的奶奶
        beloved infidel:    痴情恨
        beloved one:    意中人
        beloved son:    亲爱的儿子
        esteemed and beloved:    敬爱的
        for beloved one:    宠爱之名


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  2. beloved father 什么意思
  3. beloved grandfather 什么意思
  4. beloved grandmother 什么意思
  5. beloved infidel 什么意思
  6. beloved one 什么意思
  7. beloved son 什么意思
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  9. belovezhskaya pushcha 什么意思
  10. belovezhskaya pushcha dacha 什么意思


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